Copper, although not technically a gemstone, still has great healing properties. The following metaphysical article will hopefully share some details about why I love this incredible metal so much, how it’s essential to our modern lives and how it can help you heal mind, body and soul, by wearing copper jewellery, or utilizing it during meditation and Reiki practices.


Shiny, reddish copper was the first metal ever manipulated and worn by humans in copper jewellery for healing, and it remains an important metal in the industry today.


Copper has various properties which make it nearly indispensable to modern civilizations. It is an essential nutrient for all plants and animals.

Without copper, our modern lifestyles wouldn’t exist, it’s a vital component of everything electronic, which we so depend on each day to survive

Physical and Mental Healing Properties of Copper Jewellery

Physical and Mental Healing Properties of Copper

Copper is used in the treatment of wounds and skin diseases, as well as internal diseases, anaemia, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and heart disease. It can also help improve the circulation of blood, increasing energy and detoxifying the body.

It is used to bring along energies for all types of healing, including the treatment of arthritis, pain relief of broken bones, as well as sexual instability and low energy. Copper jewellery has been found to relieve joint stiffness and arthritis by opening the flow of blocked energy.


Spiritual + Metaphysical Properties of Copper Jewelry:

According to myths, it is a conductor of the spiritualist’s belief system and is able to conduct spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, crystals, auras, the mind and the spirit world.

It is also believed that copper jewellery has the power to amplify thoughts when sending and receiving psychic communications.


Copper has the ability to ground and transfer a wide array of vibrational frequencies and supports healing by keeping the pathways for healing open. It’s a great choice to use during Reiki Sessions

Copper improves the powers of communication, and it helps with channelling, cleansing the chakras, purifying and increasing self-esteem and freeing the wearer of mental burdens.

Why Wear Copper Jewellery?

How to Heal: Wearing copper jewellery eases joint stiffness and arthritis by opening the flow of blocked energy, supporting the body’s natural healing process.

Infusing it into surfaces has been proven to help decrease infections in hospitals. It can also be infused in a variety of elements. Many also carry the stone with them.

If you feel like you could benefit from the healing properties of copper, check out our Jewellery Shop for some unique pieces of handmade copper jewellery.


Interesting Copper Facts

The Statue of Liberty is made from 179,000 pounds of copper.


The average home contains 400 pounds of copper that are used for electrical wiring, pipes and appliances. The average car has 50 pounds of copper.



Facts Continued

All gold contains some level of copper, even 24 karat gold. This is because gold is so soft, it can be moulded with the hands and calls for a bit of copper to be added.


Professional chefs prefer to cook with copper pots and pans, as it delivers uniform cooking and has no heat spots.


Copper is naturally antibacterial. Brass doorknobs, handrails and fingerplates are excellent choices for public buildings and will prevent the spread of bacteria.


Copper tools will not cause sparks, making them the tools of choice when working around explosives.


Copper is 100% recyclable and nearly 80% of the copper that has been produced is still in use today. Copper can continue to be recycled without any changes to its properties. In fact, it retains 95% of its original value.


Copper is often referred to as “man’s eternal metal”. It’s highly durable, long lasting and can be used in all applications of life.

The average person will use 1500 pounds of copper just to enjoy today’s standard of living. (Think computers, telephones, automobiles, etc.)


U.S. coins today consist of a solid copper core and layer of copper-nickel alloy.


A copper earthing system could save the lives of people who are struck by lightning, as well as save the homes and structures that are damaged by lightning strikes.


Copper has been used for as long as we can remember. The Egyptians had the ankh symbol to represent copper, and pyramids in Egypt used copper for water plumbing.


Copper can be alloyed with tin to make bronze and alloyed with zinc to make brass.


Although the Dead Sea Scrolls have been known to be made with rare animal skins, one that was recovered contains copper.


Copper is everywhere: TVs, radios, electrical wiring, plumbing, washers and dryers.


It is often alloyed with zinc or tin to make brass or bronze, giving it a golden-like colour.

So, If you feel like you would benefit from wearing a copper pendant or a copper ring to help heal your mind body and soul,
You can get your hands on some amazing jewelry & equally beautiful stones in our crystal shop!
With love and gratitude as always, fellow crystal fanatics.
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